//intro to illwave//

the experimental music of illumitati

in late 2015, i started to move from experimental glitch photography to video glitching and editing as well. as i was working on a longer video, i realized something. all the videos i had made were silent! i needed something in the background for the ambiance i was trying to cultivate in my videos.
at first i considered ambient noise, but since i had started making longer videos, ambient music would be more appropriate
but i didnt want to just use music other people had made, i wanted to make my own.
so i thought "eh, what the hell, lets try to make some music"
i didn't (and still don't really) have access to actual instruments, so i took to my phone and downloaded/tried every music app i could.
i've tried a lot, but my favorites and most used are garage band, launchpad, blocks wave, and auxy. for the most part, all of the music is made on my phone, with the exception of the occasional slight tweak and/or reformatting for web upload via audacity. 
knowing this, please be kind.
below you can click to explore my albums, read about their stories and most importantly, listen to the music

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